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Tag Archives: music
Lewis is enthralled at a big Las Vegas show: Cirque du Soleil
Yet again on his incredible journey, Lewis the Lion couldn’t believe his little luck. When he’d seen the prices at the airport of the typical Las Vegas shows, he’d thought that there was no way he’d be able to see … Continue reading
Lewis the Lion and the Arts in Buenos Aires
As you know Lewis the Lion loves learning new things and appreciating the finer things in life, especially music, art, drama and dance. Well, in Buenos Aires he had come just to the right place (as we have already discovered … Continue reading
Lewis the Lion learns about Tango
As Lewis the Lion discovered more about the city of Buenos Aires, the word “tango” seemed to permeate the air around him. From street signs to tango clubs, from music shops blaring out tango music to newspaper stands with tango … Continue reading