
Country name: Bolivia

  • Population: 10.1 million (UN, 2011)
  • Capital: Sucre (official), La Paz (administrative)
  • Area: 1.1 million sq km (424,164 sq miles)
  • Major language: Spanish, Quechua, Aymara, Guarani
  • Major Religion: Christianity
  • Currency: 1 boliviano = 100 centavos
  • Main exports: Soyabeans, natural gas, zinc, gold, silver, lead, tin, antimony, wood, sugar
  • Internet domain: .bo
  • International dailling code: +591
  • Climate: Because of the variety of landscapes, Bolivia has a wide diversity of climates.

Bolivia was perhaps the most colourful country that Lewis had visited to date and here are some interesting things that he has learnt about it:

  • There are many different landscapes within Bolivia from the Andes Mountains to the Amazon Rainforest and Pampas.
  • Bolivia is in the heart of Latin America as it is bordered by five other countries: Brazil, Paraguay, Argentina, Chile and Peru.
  • The capital city – La Paz and other places across Bolivia are at a very high altitude (Potosi is the highest city in the world and Lake Titicaca is the world’s highest lake). This means that it is often warm during the day but very cold at night. Sometimes it can be difficult to breath and some people chew on coca leaves or drink coca tea to help with this.
  • It is one of South Americas poorest countries even though it has rich reserves of minerals and energy. Often buildings don’t have heating, showers are often cold and you have to flush the toilet with a bucket of water!
  • Native Bolivian women called “Cholas” or “Cholitas” often wear bowler hats or hats, with layered skirts, sequenced shawls and flat shoes.

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