
Here Lewis will include some interesting information he learns about the countries and places he is visiting. It will include things such as the country name, the language or languages spoken, the population, the capital city, the currency etc.

Lewis and the world map

27 Responses to Countries

  1. HoLlY sHeRrAtT says:

    Ah lewis studiing on the world map so cute.
    From Hlls. 😛 xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  2. HoLlY sHeRrAtT says:

    Helen I just want to meet Lewis again he is so cute I WANT HIM SO BAD!!!!!!!!!
    haha bye bye

    From Holls. 😛 xxxxxxxxxxxxx

    p.s LOVE YOU LEWIS you too Helen. xxxxxxxxxxxx

  3. karis green says:

    lewis is so cute . What contryies is lewis going next

    • Helen Molloy says:

      Dear Karis,

      Lewis the Lion is pleased that you like him as he likes making friends! There has been a change in plan for the first stop on Lewis’ journey: he’ll be flying to New York in the United States do America for one night! Look to see his next blog entry in the coming days where he’ll tell you all about the changes to his journey. Thank you for asking.
      Best wishes,
      Lewis the Lion and Miss Molloy

  4. karis green says:

    Hi Miss Molloy, where is lewis now? Please tell me i really want to know so i can tell my class and my teacher.

    • Helen Molloy says:

      Dear Karis,

      Lewis the Lion is now having a brilliant time visiting the beautiful city of Rio de Janeiro in Brazil. He’s been having such a good time that he’s not even had time to update his blog for a few weeks now :) . However, he has been keeping a diary so he’s looking forward to telling you all about it properly in the coming days.

      Best wishes to you, your class and your teacher.

      Lewis the Lion and Miss Molloy

  5. karis green says:

    thanks miss Molly i will look at his blog in a cupole of days ok?

  6. Stephanie says:

    Hello miss Molloy I’m in Karis’s class is Lewis enjoying his trip so far? He is so cuddly and cute! What is Lewis’s favorite contry that he has been to?

    good luck on your jorney, all the very best,

    love from Stephanie

    • Helen Molloy says:

      Dear Stephanie,

      Lewis is having the time of his little life, thank you! He’s got lots of stories he wants to add to the blog but is having difficulty uploading photos as his computer doesn’t always work well as the internet connection can be intermittent in South America. He’ll do his best though so that you can read about his adventures.

      So far Lewis has only been to two countries: he has spent most of his time in Brazil and yesterday he went to Argentina for the first time where he visited the spectacular Iguassu Falls. This evening he will be catching an overnight bus to his third country: Uruguay.

      Thanks for your kind wishes and look out for his next stories appearing shortly.

      Best wishes,

      Lewis the Lion and Helen

    • karis green says:

      hey miss molloy how is lewis with his trip has he made any new friends?

      • Helen Molloy says:

        Dear Karis,
        Lewis the Lion has made lots of new friends on his journey; many of them who come from all over the world, including the UK. He{s surprised that there are so many people in the world who enjoy travelling just like him. At the moment he is in a youth hostel in Buenos Aires, which is the capital of Argentina. Here alone he has met people from England, Germany, Switzerland, America, Australia, Holland, Hungary, Brazil and of course Argentina! He is looking forward to sharing some more of his stories on the blog soon.
        All the best,
        Lewis the Lion and Helen (Miss Molloy)

  7. karis green says:

    hi where is lewis now? is he making new friends?

    from karis

    • Helen Molloy says:

      Hola Karis,
      Lewis the Lion is happy to know that you are still following his adventures! He is just about to add another story about his adventures in Buenos Aires, Argentina’s capital city. However, at the moment he is in a beautiful place called San Carlos de Bariloche in Argentina. I wonder if you can find it on a map?
      He has made so many new friends on his adventures. Yesterday he went on a bike-ride in the mountains with a friend from Valencia in Spain and a friend from Tel Aviv in Israel! These people too have travelled a long way to be in Argentina!
      Keep up the good work and ‘¡hasta luego!’ (This is Spanish. Do you know what it means?)
      Lewis the Lion and Helen

  8. karis green says:

    that must be so fun!

  9. Holly Sherratt says:

    Hello Helen ,
    Holly here again I haven’t spoke to you since January 26th well time has been and I turned 8 on March 26TH and I had a fun time. I am doing a dance show on 30TH June on a Saturday. So I am looking forward to seeing u again speak soon tra xxxxxxxxxx From Holly xxxxxxxxxxx P.S And I am looking forward to seeing Lewis again xxxxxxxxxxxx

    • Helen Molloy says:

      Hola Holly,
      Wow – you’re 8 now! That’s great. You also celebrate your birthday in the same month as Lewis. Did you read about how he celebrated his birthday on a bus? Good luck with the dance show: I’m sure you’ve got lots of rehearsals before then! Did you read about how Lewis learnt all about tango dancing in Argentina? That was fun! What type of dancing do you do?
      Lewis the Lion has now reached Bolivia and is in the highest city in the world, Potosi. It gets very cold at night and he’s shivered a lot here!
      He’ll update some of his stories in the next coming days for you to read. He hopes that you are enjoying reading about his adventures.
      Best wishes,
      Helen and Lewis the Lion

  10. karis green says:

    hi i am nine now where is lewis. anyway i was nine on the first of june 2012 this year wow i can belive how time goes by!

    from karis

    • Helen Molloy says:

      Dear Karis,

      Hopefully, it’s not too late for Lewis the Lion to wish you a Belated Happy Birthday then?! (We’re still in June – just!). Lewis hopes that you had a fun birthday. Lewis the Lion thinks just like you – he can’t believe that it’s nearly the end of June already and he’s now being travelling for nearly 5 months! What stories have you enjoyed reading the most so far about Lewis the Lion’s adventures? He’s also got a lot more stories to tell you about but there hasn’t always been the internet in the places that he’s visited recently, (he’s now in Peru). He’ll do his best to get some more stories up for you soon.
      Best wishes,
      Lewis the Lion and Helen x

  11. karis green says:

    Hi i enjoyed reading about the mine and lewis looked very sad abou that man. when will you come back to are school at packmoor primary? from karis. { hope you have a great day!}

    • Helen Molloy says:

      ¡Hola Karis!
      Lewis the Lion is glad that you enjoyed reading about the mine. It certainly made him realise what a lucky lion he is and indeed he felt very sad for some of the miners who don’t have a choice whether they work down the mine or not.
      At the moment, Lewis has been travelling for 5 months which means that there’s still another 7 months to go on his adventure. (Check out the map on the homepage to see where he’s going to travel to next on his big adventure. Just a little clue though – it’s a place where there are enormous stone heads looking out to sea!). That means he should come back to visit you in Packmoor next February or March time. I wonder how many more adventures you are both going to have before then?!
      Best wishes,

      Lewis the Lion and Helen

  12. Penny Barker and Dominic says:

    Hi Helen and Lewis … Happy New Year! Wow I’ve been reading up on your travels and adventures!! Haven’t you had an amazing time. Are you looking forward to coming home? I think you should probably write a book for children about your travels … Lewis will no doubt have a ‘paw’ in it! Looking forward to seeing you both fairly soon. :-)

    • Helen Molloy says:

      Hi Penny and Dominic,
      Yes, indeed what an incredible adventure both I and Lewis the Lion have had: the stuff of dreams really! We’ve just landed in New Delhi, in India. It’s late at night so no doubt the exploring will start tomorrow morning. Then in three weeks’ time, we’ll be back in England. It’s staggering to think that a year has nearly passed by already! Feeling a bit mixed about coming home: sad that this worldwide adventure it coming to an end but at the same time, excited to see friends and family and start the next adventure in life, wherever that may lead. Am sure a trip back to Stoke is on the cards though so I’ll look forward to seeing you then.
      Helen and Lewis the Lion :)

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