Country name: Uruguay
Population: 3.4 million (UN, 2010)
- Capital: Montevideo (1.3 million population)
- Area: 68, 037 square miles
- Major language: Spanish (with some Portuguese spoken near the Brazilian border)
- Major Religion: Christianity
- Currency: 1 Uruguayan pesos = 100 centesimos
- Main exports: meat, rice, leather products, vehicles, dairy products, wool, electricity
- Internet domain: .uy
- International dailling code: +598
- Climate: The mild climate in Montevideo all year long
- Other cool things that Lewis the Lion has discovered about Uruguay are :
- The first Football World Cup was hosted in Uruguay in and they also won it!
- Is one of the wealthier Latin-American countries with advanced education and social systems
- Its European influences are apparent, e.g. in the buildings and food as most of the population is of either Spanish or Italian origin
- People love to drink maté here! (You can read more about Lewis the Lion’s experience of this when he visits Buenos Aires).