Lewis the Lion visits a spectacular bookshop

Buenos Aires is a very rich cultural city. Education plays an important part of Argentine culture with university being free for its inhabitants. Due to this, Buenos Aires has many bookstores. However, perhaps the most impressive of them all is called El Ateneo on an important shopping street, Santa Fe.

Inside the El Ateneo bookstore in Buenos Aires

Lewis the Lion walked into this bookshop and slowly raised his eyes skywards trying to take in the full picture. This bookshop was no ordinary bookshop; in fact it was a converted theatre and had an exceptionally grand feel about the place.

Lewis looks over this incredible bookstore

Like most bookshops and libraries, the books were in clearly defined sections on all three floors. Lewis the Lion even discovered some English books in this Spanish bookstore but his favourite section had to be the children’s department! It reminded him of home, even if the books were written in Spanish as he could clearly see the fiction and non-fiction books and enjoyed browsing the shelves. He even spotted some translations in Spanish of one of his favourite series of books: Harry Potter!

A view from the gallery in El Ateneo

If you were visiting a bookstore or a library, which section would you most like to explore? Why?

About Helen Molloy

Helen Molloy has been a Primary Learning and Teaching Consultant, leading on the introduction of Primary Languages in the City of Stoke-on-Trent for the past 5 and a half years. She is passionate about language learning and inspiring children into developing a curiosity and awareness of other people's languages and cultures.
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