Lewis Says Goodbye to UK Primary Schools

Lewis loves learning new things and one of his favourite places in the world is being in school where his teachers and friends have taught him so much over the years. Lewis has always enjoyed school; some people would even call him a swot but he’s not really, he’s just got a genuine thirst for knowledge! For instance, he loves going to the cinema, the theatre and visiting libraries, museums and art galleries too!

Lewis outside the National Gallery

Sometimes though school has not always been easy for Lewis. Sometimes he has not got things right the first time or even the second or the third time but he knows that if he keeps trying his best, he’ll succeed in the end. “Practice makes perfect!” is what his teachers have always told him and Lewis thinks that they’re probably right!

Seeing as Lewis loves being in school so much and being with children, he just had to go into school to meet some of his friends before setting off on his big adventure. So far he has been amazed at how smart children are in schools these days and has been delighted by some of the brilliant questions that children have asked him about his world-wide adventure. He’s now going to answer some of those questions in certain sections on this blog, for example, see the section on Packing for the Adventure. Lewis decided to write this section following a fantastic session with the children in Year 5 at St. Peter’s Catholic Primary School in Stoke-On-Trent.

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Thanks to the Year 6 pupils at Summerbank Primary School in Stoke-On-Trent he also has decided to re-read a fabulous story by Michael Morpurgo called Kensuke’s Kingdom which also tells the tale of a boy and his worldwide adventure. Have you read that story before? If you would like a synopsis and some more information on this book, click here to go to Michael Morpurgo’s website.


Lewis rides astride a cardboard triceratops at Summerbank Primary School


About Helen Molloy

Helen Molloy has been a Primary Learning and Teaching Consultant, leading on the introduction of Primary Languages in the City of Stoke-on-Trent for the past 5 and a half years. She is passionate about language learning and inspiring children into developing a curiosity and awareness of other people's languages and cultures.
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13 Responses to Lewis Says Goodbye to UK Primary Schools

  1. Helen Molloy says:

    Submitted on 2012/01/18 at 4:48 pm
    thats my school thanks for visting
    are school you are a great vistor !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    (Holly, Summerbank Primary School)

    • Helen Molloy says:

      Submitted on 2012/01/19 at 11:32 am | In reply to holly.
      Lewis the Lion loved visiting your school too and learning Spanish with you and your fantastic teachers. He especially liked it when the children in Y6 pulled their best funny faces. He will do his best on his travels to see if all children can pull a funny face!

      In the meantime, Lewis says “Keep up the good work Year 6: make the best of having a Columbian Language Assitant in your school this year (learning Spanish may help you one day when you want to travel to South America too!) and enjoy reading Kesuke’s Kingdom – it’s a great book!”

  2. alisha sheeran says:

    dear helen,
    on jhis first poset at the top it says swot what dose that mean

    • Helen Molloy says:

      Dear Alisha,

      What a good question! The word ‘swot’ means someone who studies really, really hard. Lewis has always studied hard because he loves learning new things :) .

    • lia elliott says:

      dear helen,
      do you now all of the launges in the world?.

      • Helen Molloy says:

        Dear Lia,

        No, not at all! But Lewis is looking forward to helping me learn lots of languages on this exciting trip! How many languages can you speak, Lia?

        Best wishes,

        Helen (Miss Molloy)

  3. karis green says:

    cool visting another school. Lewis is at a school then is he?

    • Helen Molloy says:

      Dear Karis,

      Yes, Lewis loves spending time with children because he knows that children are always so friendly towards him. He visited some more schools in Stoke on Trent and has visited his first school in Rio de Janeiro in Brazil yesterday!

      Best wishes,

      Lewis the Lion and Miss Molloy

  4. gomes, carlos says:

    estou muito ancioso, para saber como funciona este site Helen

    • Helen Molloy says:

      Ola’ Carlos,

      The children in England will be happy to learn about children in school in Brazil too, I’m sure.

      Best wishes,

      Lewis the Lion and Miss Molloy

  5. Dear helen,

    what is it like traviling around the world meeting new people and learning diffrent langueges

    • Helen Molloy says:

      Dear Tighan,

      Lewis the Lion is absolutely loving travelling at the moment and meeting so many people from all over the world. So far he’s met people from Ireland, Norway, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Brazil, Argentina, France, Spain, Israel, Chile, Italy, Tasmania, Costa Rica, the Dominican Republic, Germany and lots of other travellers from England!
      Up until now, he’s just been in Brazil but went across the border into Argentina yesterday to see the Iguassu Falls. That means that he’s being learning Portuguese. (Have you checked out the Portuguese section yet?). He’s found Portuguese quite tricky to learn as some of the sounds are difficult to pronounce but he’s tried his best and even found himself saying ‘Obrigado’ yesterday in Argentina instead of ‘Gracias!’
      Would you like to travel the world one day too?
      Best wishes,
      Lewis the Lion and Helen

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