Lewis has a magic way for converting the Malaysian Currency

Lewis the Lion with the 1, 5, 10, 50 and 100 ringgit notes

Lewis the Lion with the 1, 5, 10, 50 and 100 ringgit notes

Lewis the Lion with the back of the Malaysian notes

Lewis the Lion with the back of the Malaysian notes

One of Lewis the Lion’s favourite set of table facts are his five times tables so he was really happy to arrive in Malaysia and discover that to convert pounds to the Malaysian currency -Malaysian Ringgits, he simply had to multiply by five! What a great magic trick!

Lewis the Lion compares the old and the new 1 ringgit note

Lewis the Lion compares the old and the new 1 ringgit note

E.g. £1 equals approximately 5 ringgits.

So, if Lewis the Lion wanted to know how much money he was spending, he simply needed to divide the total by 5.

For example, his favourite fruits pancake at Kak Long Corner Café cost 4.00 ringgits so divided by 5, that would be approximately 80 pence.

Here are some photos of the menu in the Kak Long Corner Café.

Can you convert these cafés prices into pounds? Do you think it is reasonable?

Can you convert these cafés prices into pounds? Do you think it is reasonable?

What would you order for your lunch and dinner?

What would you order for your lunch and dinner?

Can you imagine you were ordering a breakfast, lunch and dinner at the Kak Long Corner.
What would you choose and how much would it cost you in Malaysian Ringgits?
How much would that be in pounds and pence?
Compare your answers with your friend.

About Helen Molloy

Helen Molloy has been a Primary Learning and Teaching Consultant, leading on the introduction of Primary Languages in the City of Stoke-on-Trent for the past 5 and a half years. She is passionate about language learning and inspiring children into developing a curiosity and awareness of other people's languages and cultures.
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